
Benvinguts al nou bloc d'anglès del Cicle Mitjà! En aquest espai hi trobareu activitats, fotos, vídeos, notícies i tot allò que fa referència a l'aprenentatge de la llengua anglesa. Esperem que us agradi molt i que hi participeu tant com pugueu!

dimecres, 6 de juny del 2012

Year 3&4. Theatre Play: Freaky

Last Monday 4th June, we went to watch a theatre play in Institut Joaquim Bau. The play was called "Feaky" and talked about two girls and one boy who went to a Summer Camp. There, they had amazing adventures. They danced, sang and played!!!

dimecres, 15 de febrer del 2012


In the English class we described some amazing animals. We had fun and we learnt new vocabulary. Here you can see some examples.