
Benvinguts al nou bloc d'anglès del Cicle Mitjà! En aquest espai hi trobareu activitats, fotos, vídeos, notícies i tot allò que fa referència a l'aprenentatge de la llengua anglesa. Esperem que us agradi molt i que hi participeu tant com pugueu!

dimarts, 15 de març del 2011

Pancakes Races Video

Pancakes races are popular, especially among children in the schools. Each runner holds a pan with a pancake and has to toss it while running. If it falls to the ground, they lose. Here you've got a video!!!

Pancakes Recipe


Ingredients (for 8 pancakes):
- 2’5 cups of flour.
- 40 cl of milk.
- 2 eggs.
- 4 big spoons with sugar.
- Some baking powder (Royal).
- Butter.

1. Put the flour, the milk, the eggs, the sugar, the baking powder and some butter in a bowl.
2. Mix all the ingredients.
3. Put some butter in a pan.
4. Add some mixture to the pan.
5. Toss the pancake.
6. Eat the pancake!!!! MMMM Delicious!!!

Year 3. Pancake Day

In Year 3 we celebreted the Pancake Day. It was on Tuesday 8th March. Pancake Day falls on the Day before Lent (Quaresma). For many years Christian families did not eat dairy products during Lent, so milk and butter were all used up in the making of pancakes.
To make the pancakes we used flour, eggs, milk, butter and sugar. We tossed the pancakes and we ate them. They were delicious!!! We put some chocolate on them!!!

dijous, 3 de febrer del 2011


Last Tuesday 18th January a Storytelling company came to school to represent the play "The Time Machine". It was about a girl who could travel from the past to the future and from the future to the past using a Time Machine. She lived a lot of adventures using the Machine and she found some friends. It was a wonderful play and we enjoyed a lot!!

dilluns, 31 de gener del 2011

My bedroom

In year 4 we wrote a description of our bedrooms. Then, we put a photograph or we draw it. Here you have some examples of the bedrooms.